
Issue Title
Vol 3, No 1 (2023) Multi-objective Fractional Order PID Controller Optimization for Kid's Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Abstract  PDF
Intissar Zaway, Rim Jallouli-Khlif, Boutheina Maaleja, Hanene Medhaffar, Nabil Derbela
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Enhancing Chiller Plant Efficiency and Energy Savings Abstract  PDF
Yogesh Bhardwaj, Owais Ahmad Shah, Rakesh Kumar
Vol 3, No 1 (2023) Neuro-Fuzzy Decision Support System for Optimization of the Indoor Air Quality in Operation Rooms Abstract  PDF
Najmeh Jamali, Mohammad Reza Gharib, Behzad Omidi Koma
Vol 1, No 4 (2021) Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving Reactive Power Optimization Problem Abstract  PDF
Omar Muhammed Neda, Alfian Ma'arif
Vol 1, No 1 (2021) Analysis of Hybrid Technique for Motion Planning of Humanoid NAO Abstract  PDF
Abhishek Kumar Kashyap, Dayal R. Parhi, Anish Pandey
Vol 3, No 3 (2023) Technical and Economic Evaluation and Optimization of an Off-Grid Wind/Hydropower Hybrid System Abstract  PDF
Reza Alayi, Yaser Ebazadeh, Hossein Monfared, Salamollah Mohammadi-Aykar, Laveet Kumar, Alfian Ma’arif, Eskandar Jamali
Vol 4, No 1 (2024) Selection and Evaluation of Robotic Arm based Conveyor Belts (RACBs) Motions: NARMA(L2)-FO(ANFIS)PD-I based Jaya Optimization Algorithm Abstract  PDF
Abdullah Fadhil Mohammed, Noorulden Basil, Riyam Bassim Abdulmaged, Hamzah M. Marhoon, Hussein Mohammed Ridha, Alfian Ma'arif, Iswanto Suwarno
Vol 3, No 3 (2023) Fish Swarmed Kalman Filter for State Observer Feedback of Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot Stabilization Abstract  PDF
Ahmad Fahmi, Marizan bin Sulaiman, Indrazno Siradjuddin, Anindya Dwi Risdhayanti
Vol 2, No 4 (2022) Numerical Simulation of Non-toxic ZnSe Buffer Layer to Enhance Sb2S3 Solar Cell Efficiency Using SCAPS-1D Software Abstract  PDF
Md. Abdul Halim, Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Mostak Ahmed
Vol 3, No 3 (2023) Optimizing Three-Tank Liquid Level Control: Insights from Prairie Dog Optimization Abstract  PDF
Davut Izci, Serdar Ekinci
Vol 5, No 1 (2025) A Hybrid PSO-GCRA Framework for Optimizing Control Systems Performance Abstract  PDF
Ahmad MohdAziz Hussein, Saleh Ali Alomari, Mohammad H. Almomani, Raed Abu Zitar, Hazem Migdady, Aseel Smerat, Vaclav Snasel, Laith Abualigah
Vol 4, No 2 (2024) Enhancing Hybrid Power System Performance with GWO-Tuned Fuzzy-PID Controllers: A Comparative Study Abstract  PDF
Meetpal Singh, Sujata Arora, Owais Ahmad Shah
Vol 4, No 1 (2024) Optimizing Aircraft Pitch Control Systems: A Novel Approach Integrating Artificial Rabbits Optimizer with PID-F Controller Abstract  PDF
Laith Abualigah, Davut Izci, Serdar Ekinci, Raed Abu Zitar
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Simulation and Arduino Hardware Implementation of ACO, PSO, and FPA Optimization Algorithms for Speed Control of a DC Motor Abstract  PDF
Adil Najem, Ahmed Moutabir, Abderrahmane Ouchatti
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Honey Badger Algorithm Based DVR Controllers for Improved Power Quality‏ in a Microgrid Combined of (Wind System\ Grid\Nonlinear Load) Abstract  PDF
Ahmed Atef Zidan, Ahmed M. Ibrahim, Ahmed I. Omar
Vol 4, No 1 (2024) Predictive Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Steel Industry Using CatBoost Regression: A Data-Driven Approach for Sustainable Energy Management Abstract  PDF
K. Karthick, R. Dharmaprakash, S. Sathya
Vol 3, No 4 (2023) Optimized PID Controller of DC-DC Buck Converter based on Archimedes Optimization Algorithm Abstract  PDF
Ling Kuok Fong, Muhammad Shafiqul Islam, Mohd Ashraf Ahmad
Vol 5, No 1 (2025) Optimal Controller Design of Crowbar System Using Class Topper Optimization: Towards Alleviating Wind-Driven DFIGs Under Nonstandard Voltages Abstract  PDF
Mohamed F. Elnaggar
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Applications of Multi-Objective OPF Solutions with Optimal Placement of Multiple and Multi-Type FACTS Units to IEEE System: Comparison of Different Approaches Abstract  PDF
Sultan Hassan Hakmi
Vol 4, No 4 (2024) Design of A Backstepping Control and Synergetic Control for An Interconnected Twin-Tanks System: A Comparative Study Abstract  PDF
Rawaa Al-Majeez, Kareem Al-Badri, Huthaifa Al-Khazraji, Safanah M. Ra'afat
Vol 4, No 4 (2024) Enhanced RSA Optimized TID Controller for Frequency Stabilization in a Two-Area Power System Abstract  PDF
Serdar Ekinci, Erdal Eker, Davut Izci, Aseel Smerat, Laith Abualigah
Vol 4, No 2 (2024) Optimization Combining with Digital Transformation of the Men's Shirts Processing at Small and Medium-Sized Garment Enterprises in Vietnam Abstract  PDF
Tieu-Thanh Le, Phuong-Thao Thi Bui, Ngoc-Anh Thi La, Thai-Viet Dang
Vol 4, No 4 (2024) Systematic Review of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Control: Challenges, Solutions, and Meta-Heuristic Optimization Abstract  PDF
Noorulden Basil, Bayan Mahdi Sabbar, Hamzah M. Marhoon, Abdullah Fadhil Mohammed, Alfian Ma'arif
Vol 4, No 1 (2024) Experimental Validation of the Generation of Direct and Quadratic Reference Currents by Combining the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Sliding Mode Control in PMSM using the Process PIL Abstract  PDF
Adil Najem, Ahmed Moutabir, Abderrahmane Ouchatti, Mohammed El Haissouf
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Design and Implementation of Smell Agent Optimizer for Parameters Estimation of Single and Double Diode in PV System: A Comparative Analysis Abstract  PDF
Mohamed F. Elnaggar
Vol 5, No 2 (2025) Enhanced Advanced Multi-Objective Path Planning (EAMOPP) for UAV Navigation in Complex Dynamic 3D Environments Abstract  PDF
Gregorius Airlangga, Julius Bata, Oskar Ika Adi Nugroho, Lai Ferry Sugianto, Pujo Hari Saputro, See Jong Makin, Alamsyah Alamsyah
Vol 5, No 1 (2025) A Comparative Study of PID, FOPID, ISF, SMC, and FLC Controllers for DC Motor Speed Control with Particle Swarm Optimization Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Haryo Setiawan, Alfian Ma'arif, Much. Fuad Saifuddin, Wael A. Salah
Vol 4, No 4 (2024) Fuzzy Control for Spacecraft Orbit Transfer with Gain Perturbations and Input Constraint Abstract  PDF
Sarah Nemmour, Bachir Daaou, Francis Okello
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Adaptive Frequency Control of an Isolated Microgrids Implementing Different Recent Optimization Techniques Abstract  PDF
Mohamed Nasr Abdel Hamid, Fahd A. Banakhr, Tarek Hassan Mohamed, Shimaa Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud, Mohamed I. Mosaad, Alauddin Adel Hamoodi Albla, Mahmoud M. Hussein
Vol 5, No 1 (2025) Optimized Vector Control Using Swarm Bipolar Algorithm for Five-Level PWM Inverter-Fed Three-Phase Induction Motor Abstract  PDF
Farazdaq R. Yaseen, Huthaifa Al-Khazraji
Vol 4, No 2 (2024) Intelligent PID Controller Based on Neural Network for AI-Driven Control Quadcopter UAV Abstract  PDF
Nur Hayati Sahrir, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri
1 - 31 of 31 Items

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