
Issue Title
Vol 4, No 4 (2024) Optimizing Single-Inverter Electric Differential System for Electric Vehicle Propulsion Applications Abstract  PDF
Rachad Moumni, Kouider Laroussi, Idriss Benlaloui, Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud, Mohamed F. Elnaggar
Vol 3, No 3 (2023) Technical and Economic Evaluation and Optimization of an Off-Grid Wind/Hydropower Hybrid System Abstract  PDF
Reza Alayi, Yaser Ebazadeh, Hossein Monfared, Salamollah Mohammadi-Aykar, Laveet Kumar, Alfian Ma’arif, Eskandar Jamali
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Design and Implementation of Crowbar and STATCOM for Enhanced Stability of Grid-Tied Doubly Fed Induction Wind Generators Abstract  PDF
Mohamed F. Elnaggar
Vol 4, No 3 (2024) Adaptive Frequency Control of an Isolated Microgrids Implementing Different Recent Optimization Techniques Abstract  PDF
Mohamed Nasr Abdel Hamid, Fahd A. Banakhr, Tarek Hassan Mohamed, Shimaa Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud, Mohamed I. Mosaad, Alauddin Adel Hamoodi Albla, Mahmoud M. Hussein
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