(2) Syarief Fajaruddin

*corresponding author
AbstractThis study aimed to describe the learning style preferences of elementary school students in 5 districts in Yogyakarta. The population is 4th-grade and 5th-grade elementary school students in 5 districts in Yogyakarta. The sample was 992 students. Data was collected with a survey by questionnaire of learning style preferences. The results showed that the majority of elementary students have visual-kinesthetic (25.06%), the majority of students in Sleman district have kinesthetic (33.33%), the majority of students in Bantul district have visual-kinesthetic (31.93%), the majority of students in Gunungkidul district have the kinesthetic (27.45%), and the majority of students in Kulonprogo district have the visual-kinesthetic (29.36%). The elementary school students in Yogyakarta Province have more than one preference, a combination of two learning styles: visual-kinesthetic and auditory-kinesthetic. It can be concluded that the majority of students in Yogyakarta tend towards two learning styles, i.e., visual and kinesthetic.
KeywordsLearning styles preference; Elementary school students; Yogyakarta; Visual-kinesthetic; Kinesthetic
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/ijele.v5i2.1241 |
Article metrics10.31763/ijele.v5i2.1241 Abstract views : 1181 | PDF views : 354 |
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