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Issue Title
Vol 2, No 1: June 2020 Using hawgent dynamic mathematics software in teaching arithmetic operation Abstract  PDF
Suan Lin, Ying Zhou, Tommy Tanu Wijaya
Vol 3, No 2: August 2021 Development of nearpod-based e module on science material "energy and its changes" to improve elementary school student learning achievement Abstract  PDF
Alkhadad Feri, Zulherman Zulherman
Vol 5, No 1: April 2023 Revitalizing cultural heritage: Strategies for teaching Indonesian traditional music in elementary schools Abstract  PDF
Sularso Sularso, Muhammad Jazuli, Djuli Djatiprambudi, Bao Hanshi
Vol 4, No 3: December 2022 The implementation of independent curriculum on mover schools Abstract  PDF
Setiawan Edi Wibowo, Bambang Saptono, Agung Hastomo, Herwin Herwin, Amalia Rizki Ardiansyah
Vol 5, No 2: August 2023 Exploring diverse learning styles in elementary schools: A study on student preferences Abstract  PDF
Vera Yuli Erviana, Syarief Fajaruddin
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