Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Control Applied on Two Inverted Pendulums with Nonaffine Nonlinear Actuator Failures

(1) * Abdelhamid Bounemeur Mail (National Polytechnic School of Constantine, Algeria)
(2) Mohamed Chemachema Mail (University of Constantine, Algeria)
(3) Salah Bouzina Mail (University Abdel Hamid Mehri Constantine 2, Algeria)
*corresponding author


This paper deals with the problem of fault-tolerant control for a class of perturbed nonlinear systems with nonlinear non-affine actuator faults. Fuzzy systems are integrated into the design of the control law to get rid of the system nonlinearities and the considered actuator faults. Two adaptive controllers are proposed in order to reach the control objective and ensure stability. The first term is an adaptive controller involved to mollify the system uncertainties and the considered actuator faults. Therefore, the second term is known as a robust controller introduced for the purpose of dealing with approximation errors and exogenous disturbances. In general, the designed controller allows to deal automatically with the exogenous disturbances and actuator faults with the help of an online adaption protocol. A Butterworth low-pass filter is utilized to avoid the algebraic loop issue and allows a reliable approximation of the ideal control law. A stability study is performed based on Lyapunov's theory. Two inverted pendulum example is carried out to prove the accuracy of the controller.


Fault-tolerant, Actuator faults, Two inverted pendulum, Lyapunov stability, Butterworth low-pass filter.




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10.31763/ijrcs.v3i2.917 Abstract views : 1829 | PDF views : 553




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International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems
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