Fault Tolerant Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control of a Quadrotor UAV Using Control Allocation

(1) * Mehmet Karahan Mail (TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey)
(2) Mertcan Inal Mail (TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey)
(3) Cosku Kasnakoglu Mail (TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey)
*corresponding author


In this study, a fault-tolerant super-twisting sliding mode controller with a control allocation system for a quadrotor aircraft is proposed. Super twisting sliding mode control is a robust control technique that handles a system with a relative degree equal to one. A super-twisting sliding mode controller is proposed because of its robustness to uncertainties and perturbations. It increases accuracy and reduces chattering. A control allocation algorithm is developed to cope with the actuator fault. Firstly, a nonlinear model of the quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is presented. Then, the controller design and type of the actuator fault are explained. The control allocation algorithm is used to optimize the trajectory tracking performance of the quadrotor in the presence of an actuator fault. A control allocation algorithm is an effective approach to implementing fault-tolerant control. When actuator faults are identified, they can be modeled as changes in the B matrix of constraints. Various simulations have been made for situations with and without actuator failure. In normal conditions, the quadrotor can accurately track altitude, roll, pitch and yaw references. In faulty conditions, the quadrotor can follow the references with a small error. Simulations prove the effectiveness of the control allocation algorithm, which stabilizes the quadrotor in case of an actuator fault. Overall, this paper presents a novel fault-tolerant controller design for quadrotor aircraft that effectively addresses actuator faults using a super-twisting sliding mode controller and control allocation algorithm.


Actuator fault; Altitude control; Attitude control; Fault-tolerant control; Nonlinear control systems; UAV Quadrotor; Sliding mode control




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