A Comparative Study of Nonlinear Control Schemes for Induction Motor Operation Improvement

(1) * Yassine Zahraoui Mail (Mohammadia School of Engineering, Morocco)
(2) Mohamed Akherraz Mail (Mohammadia School of Engineering, Morocco)
(3) Alfian Ma’arif Mail (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


In the objective of improving the performance of induction motor operation and ensuring a robust control against different uncertainties and external disturbances, especially at low-speed regions, this research highlights the main features of two nonlinear control techniques. First, the control design is based on the backstepping approach (BSA) with integral action, and then the sliding mode control (SMC) theory. The BSA principle is to define successive causal relations in order to construct the control law in a recursive and systematic way. This allows overcoming the obstacle of the higher-order system's dimension. SMC is designed to drive and then constrain the system state to lie within a neighborhood of the switching surface, this provides very strong and inherent robustness to the resulting controllers. The main reason behind developing the nonlinear control techniques is to ensure a decoupled control of the machine. Besides, it guarantees the stability of the overall system by tracking the speed reference with the fewest static error. Moreover, as the sensorless control increases the reliability and decreases the cost of the control system, an extended Kalman filter is implemented to improve speed and flux observation. The simulations of all the discussed results have been obtained by MATLAB/Simulink.


Induction Motor Drive; Nonlinear Control; Integral Backstepping Approach; Sliding Mode Theory; Extended Kalman Filter




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International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems
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