(2) Panha Soth

(3) Heng Tang

(4) Horchhong Cheng

(5) Sovann Ang

(6) * Chivon Choeung

*corresponding author
AbstractUncertain grid impedance is often common in power distribution networks; therefore, it is crucial to design an efficient controller in this situation. An issue that frequently occurs is the problem of unpredictable grid impedance, which can cause voltage fluctuations, power quality problems, and potential damage to equipment. This work provides a systematic control strategy to tackle these issues by supplying well-regulated power from a DC source to an AC power grid. A linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based robust optimal control is proposed in this paper to provide stability to the inverter system without offset error at the output side. The convergence time to steady state is minimized by solving the LMI problem to maximize the eigen value of the closed-loop system with the inclusion of the uncertainty of the filter parameter and grid impedance. Furthermore, the uncertainties in this study include the potential variation of values for the filters and the grid's impedance. These uncertainties occur because the grid impedance can fluctuate fast in the event of a fault or termination of a transmission line, while the filter's impedance can also be affected by changes in operating temperature. The simulation study of this proposed control includes a comparison between wide and narrow uncertainty ranges, as well as a performance comparison under uncertain parameters. Furthermore, this approach exhibits a lower power ripple in comparison to existing PI control method.
KeywordsGrid-Connected Mode; Linear Matrix Inequality; Robust Control; Uncertainty; L-Filter
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/ijrcs.v4i2.1406 |
Article metrics10.31763/ijrcs.v4i2.1406 Abstract views : 592 | PDF views : 178 |
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Copyright (c) 2024 Socheat Yay, Panha Soth, Heng Tang, Horchhong Cheng, Sovann Ang, Chivon Choeung

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International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems
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