Comparison of Convolutional Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines on Medical Data: A Review

(1) Furizal Furizal Mail (Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia)
(2) * Alfian Ma'arif Mail (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
(3) Dianda Rifaldi Mail (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
(4) Asno Azzawagama Firdaus Mail (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


Medical image processing has become an integral part of disease diagnosis, where technological advancements have brought significant changes to this approach. In this review, a comprehensive comparison between Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) in processing medical images is conducted. Automated medical analysis is becoming increasingly important due to issues of subjectivity in manual diagnosis and potential treatment delays. This research aims to compare the performance of Machine Learning (ML) in medical contexts using MRI, CT scan, and X-ray data. The comparison includes the accuracy rates of CNN and SVM algorithms, sourced from various studies conducted between 2018 and 2022. The results of the comparison show that CNN has higher average accuracy in processing MRI and X-ray data, with average values of 98.05% and 97.27%, respectively. On the other hand, SVM exhibits higher average accuracy for CT scan data, reaching 91.78%. However, overall, CNN achieves an average accuracy of 95.58%, while SVM's average accuracy is at 94.72%. These findings indicate that both algorithms perform well in processing medical data with high accuracy. Although based on these average accuracy rates, CNN demonstrates slightly better capabilities than SVM. Further research and development of more complex models are expected to continue improving the effectiveness of both approaches in disease diagnosis and patient care in the future.


SVM; CNN; ML; Accuracy; Medicine



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10.31763/ijrcs.v4i1.1375 Abstract views : 686 | PDF views : 248




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International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems
e-ISSN: 2775-2658
Organized by: Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE)Peneliti Teknologi Teknik IndonesiaDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Kuliah Teknik Elektro
Published by: Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE)
Office: Jalan Janti, Karangjambe 130B, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia