Enhancing the Performance of Power System under Abnormal Conditions Using Three Different FACTS Devices

(1) Ibram Y. Fawzy Mail (Minia University, Egypt)
(2) * Mahmoud A. Mossa Mail (Minia University, Egypt)
(3) Ahmed M. Elsawy Mail (Minia University, Egypt)
(4) Ahmed A. Zaki Diab Mail (Minia University, Egypt)
*corresponding author


In this paper, a comparison between Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices including Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for providing a better adaptation to changing operating conditions and improving the usage of current systems. The power system using FACTS devices is presented under different conditions such as single phase fault and three phase fault. A digital simulation using Matlab/Simulink software package is carried out to demonstrate the better performance including the voltage and the current of the presented system using FACTS that located between buses B1 and B2 under different faults types. The results obtained investigate that the presented system gives better response with FACTS as compared to not using them under abnormal conditions besides, the UPFC gives better performance of power system under several faults as compared to STATCOM or SSSC as It can absorb reactive power in a manner which significantly reduced the fault current. It is demonstrated that UPFC can reduce the peak fault current at bus B1 ‎to 63.85% of its value without ‎using FACTS devices under line to ground fault and 79.18% under three line to ‎ground fault whereas STATCOM and SSSC reduce it ‎to (75.21, 94.35%) and (75.40, 94.68%), respectively.


Power System; Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS); Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM); Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC); Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC); Faults Types




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