Optimized PID Controller of DC-DC Buck Converter based on Archimedes Optimization Algorithm

(1) Ling Kuok Fong Mail (Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia)
(2) Muhammad Shafiqul Islam Mail (Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia)
(3) * Mohd Ashraf Ahmad Mail (Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia)
*corresponding author


This research assesses the suitability of the Archimedes Optimization Algorithm (AOA) as a metaheuristic technique to fine-tune a PID controller in a closed-loop DC-DC buck converter. The converter's core function is to regulate output voltage, ensuring stability despite load fluctuations and input voltage changes.  The operational effectiveness of the converter hinges significantly on the gain settings of the PID controller and determining the optimal gain setting for the PID controller is a non-trivial task. For robust performance, the PID controller necessitates optimal gain settings, attainable through metaheuristic optimization. The algorithm aids in identifying ideal proportional, integral, and derivative gains based on varying load conditions. Leveraging the metaheuristic algorithm, the PID controller is optimized to minimize voltage errors, reduce overshoot, and enhance response time. The proposed PID controller, optimized using AOA, is contrasted with PID controllers tuned via alternative algorithms including the hybrid Nelder-Mead method (AEONM), artificial ecosystem-based optimization (AEO), differential evolution (DE), and particle swarm optimizer (PSO). Performance evaluation involves injecting a voltage disturbance into the buck converter with load changes of up to 20%. Results demonstrate the superiority of the AOA-optimized PID controller in voltage recovery.  It demonstrates a faster response time and outstanding voltage regulation performance, while also exhibiting minimal performance degradation during load changes. This study concludes that the AOA optimization algorithm surpasses other methods in tuning the PID controller for closed-loop DC-DC buck converters.


Buck Converter; PID Controller; Metaheuristic Algorithm; Optimization




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