Microgrid Energy Management using Weather Forecasts: Case Study, Discussion and Challenges

(1) * Mst. Sumi Akter Mail (World University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh)
(2) Asm Mohaimenul Islam Mail (University of South Dakota, United States)
(3) Md Maruf Hasan Mail (University of South Dakota, United States)
*corresponding author


The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the integration of weather forecasts which can lead to a significant reduction in energy costs and carbon emissions while ensuring the reliability of the microgrid operation. By serving a small area or a particular building, the incorporation of weather forecasts can considerably increase the efficiency of microgrid energy management. The planning and operation of microgrids can be greatly improved by using weather predictions, which give useful information about upcoming weather conditions. By forecasting future energy demand and supply based on meteorological conditions, Microgrid Energy Management (MEM) is utilized to optimize the energy management decisions in microgrid systems. Making better choices regarding energy generation, storage, and consumption may be aided by the incorporation of weather forecasts, which can offer a more precise and trustworthy estimate of the energy demand and supply. This strategy can result in increased energy efficiency, decreased energy prices, and decreased carbon emissions, all of which are important goals for contemporary power systems. A promising approach for raising energy effectiveness and lowering greenhouse gas emissions in contemporary power networks is MEM. The incorporation of weather forecasts into MEM can improve decision-making regarding energy management by giving a better insight of future energy demand and supply. This essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of using weather forecasts in MEM through the presentation of a case example. By providing valuable information about future weather conditions, weather forecasts this review explain the Optimized Renewable Energy Integration, Improved Energy Storage Utilization, Load Shifting and Demand Response, Efficient Grid Management for reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering energy cost and carbon emissions. In order to address the issues related with MEM employing weather forecasts, this study offers potential fixes for increasing the accuracy of weather forecasts and emphasizes the necessity for more research in this area.


Microgrids; Energy Management; Solar Energy Generation; Wind Energy Generation; Forecasting; Artificial Neural Network




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