(2) Mangaras Yanu Florestyanto

(3) Y I Sania

(4) B Ihsan

(5) H H Triharminto

(6) Leonel Hernandez

*corresponding author
AbstractMonitoring academic emotion is an activity to provide information from students' academic emotions in the class continuously. Some research in the image processing field had done for face recognition but had not been many studies on image processing to detect student emotions. This paper aims to determine the percentage of facial recognition with fisherface and academic emotional recognition by monitoring changes in students' facial expressions using facial landmarks in various distances, camera angles, light, and attributes used on objects. The proposed method uses facial image extraction based on fisherface method for presence. Furthermore, face identification will be made with Euclidean distance by finding the smallest length of training data with test data. Emotion detection is done by facial landmarks and mathematical calculations to detect drowsiness, focus, and not focus on the face. Restful web service is used as a communication architecture to integrate data. The success rate of applications with the fisherface method obtains 96% percent accuracy of face recognition. Meanwhile, facial landmarks and mathematical calculations are used to detect emotions, with 84 %.
Keywordsimage processing; emotion recognition; fisherface; facial recognition
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/sitech.v2i1.690 |
Article metrics10.31763/sitech.v2i1.690 Abstract views : 1430 | PDF views : 292 |
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