(2) Alisya Amalia Putri Hasanah

(3) Yuli Fauziah

(4) Shoffan Saifullah

*corresponding author
AbstractDrug searches are still based on drug names and brands, making it difficult for patients to come looking for a cure by saying that they feel sick. Likewise, when looking for drugs and information about their content to avoid overdose errors when changing drugs when drugs are supposed to be unavailable. Based on the issues raised, a study was conducted on applying semantic web ontology to search for drugs that can appear based on patients’ names, compositions, or complaints of diseases. Protégé 5.5 serves to represent drug information based on knowledge. The application uses Netbeans with Jena API as a library and creates data and drug information on the semantic web. Drug search also uses similar in-formation meaning based on user knowledge. By representing knowledge on the search for drug and disease information with semantic web ontology technology, it can meet the purpose of research, namely to improve drug and disease information search following the user’s wishes.
Keywordssemantic web; ontology; drug and disease
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/sitech.v2i1.561 |
Article metrics10.31763/sitech.v2i1.561 Abstract views : 1667 | PDF views : 450 |
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