*corresponding author
AbstractThe latest technology milestone drives the fashion industry to implement on-demand production services. This study introduces a decision-making scheme in the manufacturing on-demand production scheduling of the garment industry using a hybrid metaheuristic model to meet consumer demand in the digital economy as quickly as possible. Then we conduct computational experiments based on the real-world case study and compare the hybrid metaheuristic method with existing approaches. The experimental results demonstrate that the hybrid metaheuristic approach can yield very efficient solutions to the scheduling problem; it can save production completion time by 22.6%; it shows promising performance compared to the existing methods.
KeywordsHybrid Metaheuristic; Scheduling; Manufacturing On-Demand
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/sitech.v2i2.504 |
Article metrics10.31763/sitech.v2i2.504 Abstract views : 1893 | PDF views : 297 |
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