(2) Christopher Chukwufunaya Odiakaose (Department of Computer Science, Dennis Osadebay University, Nigeria)
(3) Frances Uche Emordi (Department of CyberSecurity, Dennis Osadebay University, Nigeria)
(4) Patrick O. Ejeh (Department of Computer Science, Dennis Osadebay University, Nigeria)
(5) Winifred Adigwe (Department of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology, Nigeria)
(6) Kizito Eluemonor Anazia (Department of Information Technology, University of Science and Technology, Nigeria)
(7) Blessing Nwozor (Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria)
*corresponding author
AbstractThe covid-19 pandemic was reported with significant negative impact on global education with shocks that disrupted the learning processes via the closure of traditional classrooms/schools from 2020 to March 2022. These effects have continued to ripple across even with advances in media literacy. The Nigerian frontier has also witnessed a paradigm shift in the adoption/integration of the information and communication tech as tools for both digital revolution and advancement of alternative education delivery. Today’s education which aspires for growth and progressive development is assured of positive changes if priority for educational values and ICT is harnessed. Past educational theories seem not to cope with the ever-changing, information society. Nigeria must develop strategies to address education reforms with frameworks to bridge these gaps vid post covid-19 era. Our study implements a hybrid a(synchronous) learning framework for Nigerian Tertiary education. Result shows improved learner cognition, engaged qualitative learning, and a learning scenario that ensures a power shift in the educational structure that will further equip learners to become knowledge producer, help teachers to emancipate students academically, in a framework that measures quality of engaged student’s learning
KeywordsLearning Styles; E-learning frameworks; A(synchronous) learning design; Adaptive learning architecture; Blended-Learning
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/sitech.v4i1.1186 |
Article metrics10.31763/sitech.v4i1.1186 Abstract views : 1149 | PDF views : 301 |
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Copyright (c) 2023 Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Christopher Chukwufunaya Odiakaose, Frances Uche Emordi, Patrick O. Ejeh, Winifred Adigwe, Kizito Eluemonor Anazia, Blessing Nwozor
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