(2) Juan Albas

(3) Jair Camargo

(4) César De La Hoz

(5) Fachrul Kurniawan

(6) Andri Pranolo

*corresponding author
AbstractThis project establishes the process of designing a fiber optic Ftth network that reaches the homes of each end customer, which allows providing voice services, broadband internet, and television, the above using GPON technology, based on the tree architecture through passive elements, where the node or central is connected to other nodes through a common link, which is shared by all the nodes (ONTs) of the network. This network will be designed in two levels, the first level that starts from the OLT to the level one splitter and the second level that begins from the level one splitter to the OTB element that the level two Splitters have. The entire design will be subject to standards that must be met to achieve the percentage of attenuation allowed. At the design level, it has two directions: one from left to right, where the nodes insert traffic, and another from right to left, where the nodes only have two functions: read or read and delete traffic. It is nothing more than the convergence of the primary communication services of today, such as fixed telephony, the internet, and television. The FTTH Network is designed for the Municipality of Usiacurí of the Department of Atlántico, using the Top-Down Design methodology, where the requirements are analyzed, the designs are developed, and the tests are carried out. The operation of this network is monitored.
KeywordsGPON networks; IP addressing; Servers; Network Monitoring; ICT; Fiber to the home (FTTH)
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/sitech.v3i2.1001 |
Article metrics10.31763/sitech.v3i2.1001 Abstract views : 1113 | PDF views : 292 |
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Copyright (c) 2022 Leonel Hernandez, Juan Albas, Jair Camargo, César De La Hoz, Fachrul Kurniawan

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