4 citations for 4 secondary document in 2023 : (Source details SCOPUS.com)
The possible application of intelligent system in traditional courtyard houses in Iraq, Agha R.H.M. (2022) Applied Engineering and Technology, 1 (1): 11-23
cited by:
- Agha, R. H. M., & Hussein, A. N. (2023). Adaptation re-use of traditional cafés in erbil, iraq. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, doi:10.1108/IJBPA-04-2022-0054
The influence of urban street-side greenery on people’s visual preference, Ernawati, J. (2022) Applied Engineering and Technology, 1 (3): 121–130
cited by:
- Fachrudin, H.T., Karolina, R., Fachrudin, K.A., Faris, D.M.. (2023). Green Street Design Approach to Realize Green City. Case Study: Medan City. Future Cities and Environment 9(1),8, doi:10.5334/fce.176
Prediction of stock purchase decisionsusing artificial neural network method,Pujianto, U., Setyadi, D. P. P., Akbar, M. I. (2022) Applied Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 23–33.
cited by:
- Kumar, A., Keshta, I., Bhola, J., et al. (2023). Application of Artificial Neural Network Unified with Fuzzy Logic for Systematic Stock Market Prediction. Fluctuation and Noise Letters 2440001
Implementation of a new coding scheme for improving the SET operations in Phase Change Memory (PCM), Mohseni M. (2023) Applied Engineering and Technology, (2) , pp. 120-132.
cited by:
- Mohseni, M., Novin, A.H.. (2023). A survey on techniques for improving Phase Change Memory (PCM) lifetime. Journal of Systems Architecture. Volume 144, November 2023, 103008