A New Architecture of Autonomous Vehicles: Redundant Architecture to Improve Operational Safety

(1) * Anis Boubakri Mail (CRISTAL research Lab, ENSI, Tunisia)
(2) Sonia Mettali Gamar Mail (CRISTAL research Lab, ENSI, Tunisia)
*corresponding author


The internet of things allows having the comfort of these users. However, the number of connected objects is increasing exponentially. There is therefore a risk of degrading the quality of comfort by the phenomena of the non-availability of communication services. These days, with digital networking and agility in the words, autonomous vehicles, are a particular case of the Internet of Things, represent the vehicles of tomorrow, to increase a penetration rate into the market and make marketed (level 5) in EV (Electric vehicle). We must think to study its reliability and availability. Autonomous vehicles that have a level 5 autonomous drive system, must exhibit a high degree of reliability. In this paper, we propose a new architecture based on redundancy, to increase the dependability and minimize the risk of having a breakdown. We also propose a communication strategy allowing the minimization of the message rate abandoned by sharing messages on a different network and switching between DSRC and C-V2X.


V2V Connectivity; Platoon; Autonomous Vehicles; Redundant




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