(2) André Rodrigue Tchamda

(3) Alex Stephane Kemnang Tsafack

(4) Sifeu Takougang Kingni

*corresponding author
AbstractThe microcontroller implementation, chaos control, synchronization, and antisynchronization of the nonlinear resistive-capacitive-inductive shunted Josephson junction (NRCISJJ) model are reported in this paper. The dynamical behavior of the NRCISJJ model is performed using phase portraits, and time series. The numerical simulation results reveal that the NRCISJJ model exhibits different shapes of hidden chaotic attractors by varying the parameters. The existence of different shapes of hidden chaotic attractors is confirmed by microcontroller results obtained from the microcontroller implementation of the NRCISJJ model. It is theoretically demonstrated that the two designed single controllers can suppress the hidden chaotic attractors found in the NRCISJJ model. Finally, the synchronization and antisynchronization of unidirectional coupled NRCISJJ models are studied by using the feedback control method. Thanks to the Routh Hurwitz stability criterion, the controllers are designed in order to control chaos in JJ models and achieved synchronization and antisynchronization between coupled NRCISJJ models. Numerical simulations are shown to clarify and confirm the control, synchronization, and antisynchronization.
KeywordsJosephson Junction; Hidden Chaotic Attractor; Microcontroller Implementation; Chaos control; Synchronization; Antisynchronization
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/ijrcs.v1i2.354 |
Article metrics10.31763/ijrcs.v1i2.354 Abstract views : 4063 | PDF views : 1374 |
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