Adaptive Frequency Control of an Isolated Microgrids Implementing Different Recent Optimization Techniques

(1) Mohamed Nasr Abdel Hamid Mail (El Sewedy Electric Steel Applications, Egypt)
(2) Fahd A. Banakhr Mail (Yanbu Industrial College, Saudi Arabia)
(3) Tarek Hassan Mohamed Mail (Aswan University, Egypt)
(4) Shimaa Mohamed Ali Mail (Aswan University, Egypt)
(5) * Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud Mail (Aswan University, Egypt)
(6) Mohamed I. Mosaad Mail (Yanbu Industrial College, Saudi Arabia)
(7) Alauddin Adel Hamoodi Albla Mail (Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University, Iraq)
(8) Mahmoud M. Hussein Mail (1) Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Aswan81511, Egypt. 2) Department of Communications Technology Engineering, Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University, Baghdad 10053, Iraq)
*corresponding author


In recent years, significant improvements have been made in the load frequency control (LFC) of interconnected microgrid (MG) systems, driven by the growing demand for enhanced power supply quality. However, challenges such as low inertia, parameter uncertainties, and dynamic complexity persist, posing significant hurdles for controller design in MGs. Addressing these challenges is crucial as any mismatch between demand load and power generation inevitably leads to frequency deviation and tie-line power interchange within the MG. This work introduces sophisticated optimization techniques (grey wolf optimization (GWO), whale optimization algorithm (WOA), and balloon effect (BE)) for LFC, focusing on the optimal online tuning of integral controller gain (Ki) for controlled loads. The WOA regulates the frequency of the system so variable loads can be accommodated and 6 MW of PV is added to the MG. A PV and a diesel generator-powered isolated single area MGs with electrical random loads are managed by the adaptive controller by regulating the frequency and power of the PV. Online tuning of integral controllers is possible using the WOA. A comparison is carried out between the WOA+BE and three other optimizers, namely the GWO, GWO+BE method, and the WOA. This paper shows the effect of add BE identifier to standard WOA and GWO. MATLAB simulation results prove that the BE identifier offers a significant advantage to the investigated optimizers in the issue of adaptive frequency stability even when disturbances and uncertainties are concurrent.


Load Frequency Control; Microgrid; Optimization Methods; Clean Energy; Adaptive Controller



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10.31763/ijrcs.v4i3.1432 Abstract views : 717 | PDF views : 186




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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamed Nasr Abdel Hamid, Tarek Hassan Mohamed, Shimaa Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud, Mohamed I. Mosaad, Alauddin Adel Hamoodi Albla, Mahmoud M. Hussein

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International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems
e-ISSN: 2775-2658
Organized by: Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE)Peneliti Teknologi Teknik IndonesiaDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Kuliah Teknik Elektro
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