A Preliminary Analysis: Digital Inclusion Domain in Islamic Education

(1) * Unik Hanifah Salsabila Mail (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


One of the environmental changes that have successfully influenced the world of education universally is the pace of digital technology. In the context of education, the emergence of the concept of developing modern technology based on Internet of Things (IoT) and distance learning, certainly demands the optimization of technological utilization. Islamic Education is a catalyst for cross-generation spiritual literacy developers who should not be ignorant of any changes that occur. Responding to the increasingly unpredictable rate of digital technology, an attitude of awareness needs to be done, one of which is through mainstreaming digital inclusion in learning so that the advancement of digital technology can be restored to its role as a medium to increase the effectiveness of knowledge not as a barrier to the learning process. This study tries to identify several domains from digital inclusion into Islamic Education for higher education through a literature review. Some of the digital inclusion domains detected in this study are social networking, entertainment applications, information search engines, websites, and e-learning. This research is a preliminary analysis of the utilization and involvement of digital technology in the learning of Islamic Education and has produced several information regarding the identification of several digital inclusion domains, accompanied by strategies and techniques of implementation in learning activities. The study also includes academic advice for future studies.


Domain, Digital Technology, Islamic Education, Preliminary Analysis, Identification,




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